The other night during my bible study time I asked the Lord to lead me in bible. When he responded to me, I was blown away by his response Proverbs 6:4, he even repeated it again. I quickly went to the verse in my NLT bible and it read," Don't put it off; do it now! Don't rest until you do." I could not believe what I just read. God knew me before he created me. I am the queen of procrastination! I will put everything on a to do list and still manage to get it all done at the last minute. God wants us to change, we need to be more like him. We will never be perfect but as long as we wake up each and everyday we should strive for it. We do not deserve the grace and favor of God but he constantly grant us access. I vow that from now on I will DO IT NOW. Whatever he is calling you to do, stop making excuses and do it. We all have a purpose, each day we need to tap into it. I pray that God give me strength to do whatever he calls me to do . I am favored by him! ...